Thursday, 12 December 2019

Jikiden Reiki Seminar in Newdelhi

Jikiden Reiki Seminar in Newdelhi.Learn the original form of reiki called Jikiden Reiki from Jikden Reiki Kenkyukai,Kyoto,Japan.Certification and manuals from Japan.Learn reiki as it was originally taught by Usui Sensei.To know more pls call on +919810221107
#reikiclasses #reiki training #jikidenreiki # reiki # reiki healing.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Original reiki classes in Newdelhi

Heal your mind,body and soul with the beautiful teachings of Jikiden Reiki which are the original teachings of Mikao Usui(founder of reiki).

Learn to recover from physical,emotional,mental sickness as well as reduce stress and anxiety levels using simple and effective tools and attain more balance and ease in your life.

Jikiden reiki is also brilliant for other healing practioners like refloxology,naturopathy,chiropractic,massage or other alternative therapies,it helps you expand your skills.



1.Learn everything you need to know about how to give reiki treatments effectively.
2.Detailed understanding about reiki energy and how the healing really happens
3.Learn to use reiki to help the body heal from injuries faster,releive pain and aid recovery from chronic illness.
4.History and background of reiki.
5.Receive "Reiju" which is the reiki attunement which enables ones to heal self and others
6.Lots of practice.


1.Learn emotional/psychological healing technique which is used for habit treatment,healing addictions,deep rooted emotions and lots more..
2.Learn to send reiki effectively to anyone,anywhere in the world.
3.Receive "Reiju".
4.Discussion on the spiritual aspects of reiki.

Jikiden Reiki will give you an effective and completely natural way of improving your own body and mind and helps you to bring out your best potential and abilities.

Manuals and two certificates..English and Japanese from the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai,Japan
International accredition to the students and you gain access to a worldwide support network of Jikiden Reiki practotioners and teachers dedicated to keeping the practice pure,simple and accessible.

About the Teacher

Niharika Suri is a certified Shihan(teacher) of the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai,Japan who has been practising and teaching reiki for many years and using it effectively to treat people of chronic sicknesses.She is passionate about spreading the original teachings of Jikiden Reiki to as many people as possible.

Course material and certificates from the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai

For registrations call on 9810221107
or visit
whats app on +919810221107
Prior registration required by pay a small non-refundable fee.#reiki #jikidenreiki #originalreiki #jikiden #reikiclasses #reikiclassesindelhi #ilovereiki #alternatehealing #reikijapan